Occupational Therapy

Children’s Right To Play

Children's Right To Play As An Occupation In this video Kate Sheehan, an Occupational Therapist with over 30 years experience, talks about A Child's Right to Play and how, for children, Play is an integral part of their occupational performance. [...]

2024-02-12T10:58:28+00:0025 11 2015|Tags: , |

Managing Routines

Simple strategies to help Occupational Therapists’ clients manage daily routines Now, more than ever, we have access to a large range of options to help maintain our daily routine and complete our ‘to do’ lists. From post-it notes to wall planners, written diaries to smart apps, organisation can be [...]

2024-02-12T10:58:31+00:0025 08 2015|

Naidex seminar

Occupational Therapist Kate Sheehan presents popular Naidex seminar During Naidex National 2015, both Kate Sheehan’s seminar in association with Abacus Healthcare and its assisted bath showcase attracted significant interest from healthcare professionals. Abacus demonstrated three of its powered Aqu [...]

2024-02-12T10:58:34+00:0025 05 2015|Tags: , |

Kate Sheehan Seminar

The significance of ‘play’ when bathing Kate Sheehan, Occupational Therapist, to present engaging seminar at Naidex on the significance of ‘play’ when bathing In collaboration with Abacus Healthcare, Kate Sheehan, a highly-respected Occupational Therapist with over 28 years’ experience will be deliv [...]

2024-02-12T10:58:35+00:0025 05 2015|Tags: |
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